Congratulations on Completing Your AIA Vitality Health Check!
Well done on completing your AIA Vitality Health Check!
We hope you'll have a better understanding of your health and some of the changes you can make to your lifestyle to improve it. Here is a summary based on your answers.
The AIA Vitality Age is an estimate of a person's "healthy age" based on the presence or absence of certain risk factors. Your AIA Vitality Age is calculated using your:
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Cholesterol level
- Blood Pressure levels
- Blood Glucose levels
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Cholesterol
- Blood Pressure
- Blood Glucose
This value is an estimate of your risk for developing lifestyle-related conditions for your age. Your AIA Vitality Age is years.
To become as healthy as you can be, you need to know how healthy you are. Your AIA Vitality Age is an estimate of your risk for developing lifestyle-related conditions for your age. Your AIA Vitality Age is years.
Your AIA Vitality Age is older than your last birthday suggests. To find out which lifestyle habits are making you older than you should be, have a look at the table below.
Well done! Your AIA Vitality Age is the same as your actual age. We encourage you to keep healthy and fit.
Well done! You're younger than your last birthday suggests. We encourage you to keep healthy and fit.